Tuesday 20 September 2011

West Grinstead Ploughing Match

On Saturday I left early as my detecting club was attending the West Grinstead Ploughing Match at Itchingfield. Philip & Seppi had breakfast with Sue then set off on their journey to Cornwall where they are spending a week with friends. We set up our tent then the heavens opened. Fortunately it cleared up during the morning and the crowds turned out after lunch. We had an enthusiastic audience, especially the kids who enjoyed using the small detectors and finding old pennies. The ploughing match is a meeting place for the farmers in the area, and there were plenty of country stalls. Opposite us lamb burgers with onions were served for lunch. There was a tug of war, ploughing contest, livestock contests and shows, vegetable and home cooking competitions, engine demos.  A pet alpaca was led round with its companion, a collie. It enjoyed some of the hay bale our pot luck bowl was standing on. We had to dismantle the tent later when the wind got up and threatened to bring it down.

Ploughing Match

an Alpaca enjoys our bale of hay

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