Saturday 30 December 2017

Dippers and snow

Dipper, Cinclus cinclus
My first visit to Porter Brook, Sheffield, resulted in 25 minutes spent with a Dipper in one place where it went underwater, ate caddis larvae, perched on rocks and sang. This was followed on subsequent days by multiple sightings along several stretches of the stream above and below Forge Dam. On the third day I saw two Dippers together and one sat on a rock and sang its heart out for 15 minutes. I also saw a Grey Wagtail and Wrens on each visit.
  On Wednesday we drove over the Snake Pass to visit Aunt Bea and Simon, Phyllis and Anna. We had a lovely lunch and on the way back stopped several times to photograph the snow scenes.
  On Thursday we met Pete, a uni friend, at Wath on Dearne for a catch-up in The Glasshouse pub. Pete was the reason I went to Newcastle to study Zoology. We attended the same school but he was two years ahead of me. His girlfriend and later wife, Diana, was Sue's flatmate. He hasn't changed at all.
  Yesterday we drove through a snowstorm to visit Keith & Janet & family in York. Great to catch-up, another lovely lunch. Some bracket fungi on  lime tree had snow perched on them.

two dippers

snow on bracket fungus

Saturday 14 October 2017

African butterflies, moths and other invertebrates

I photographed 19 butterflies during my recent trip to KwaZulu-Natal. I have also named 23 moths, although many others remain unidentified. I hope to get some more ids from South African iSpot participants who have given me many names already.
I also used these resources:
African Common White, Belenois creona severina

African Grass Blue, Zizeeria knysna

African Veined White, Belenois gidica abyssinica

Blue Pansy ♀, Junonia oenone oenone

Brown-veined White, Belenois aurota aurota

Citrus Swallowtail, Papilio demodocus

Common Evening Brown ♂, Melanitis leda

Common Evening Brown ♂

Common Grass Yellow, Eurema hecabe solifera

Common Orange Tip, Colotis evenina evenina

Common Orange Tip

Damara Copper, Aloeides damarensis

Dancing Acraea, Acraea serena

Ella's Bar, Cigaritis ella

Green-banded Swallowtail, Papilio nireus 

Northern Cupreous Blue, Eicochrysops messapus mahallakoaena

Red Tip, Colotis antevippe gavisa

Scarlet-tip, Colotis danae


Silver-spotted Grey, Crudaria leroma

Sulphur Orange Tip, Colotis auxo

Sulphur Orange Tip

Topaz-spotted Blue, Azanus jesous
Rose Eggar, Philotherma rosa

Afrasura indecisa

Bar Maiden, Thyretes caffra

Bar Maiden

Decisive White Bar, Eustrotia decissima

Eulycia grisea

Flame Line, Phoenicocampa terinata

Hornet moth, Euchromia amoena

Irrorated Tabby, Anticarsia rubricans

Lichen Cat, Pseudorethona albicans

Lined Shades, Pericyma atrifusa

Measured Pearl, Nausinoe geometralis

Neromia clavicornis

Notarcha quaternalis

Olapa Species

Orange Drab, Gracilodes caffra

Pallid Emperor, Cirina forda

Pyralidae species

Ringed Lesser Ermine, Ethmia circumdatella

Salagena tessellata

Sommeria culta

Tussock moth, Euproctis bicolor 

Vestal Birdling, Somatina vestalis

Viettessa margaritalis

White Barred Gipsy, Palasea albimacula
The moths still requiring identification can be viewed here:
other invertebrates:
Antlion, Cueta species

Red Lacewing, Dysochrysa furcata

Madagascan Marbled Mantis, Polyspilota aeruginosa

Large Brown Longhorn Beetle
Belonogaster wasp species