Friday 23 September 2011

Stoatally amazing morphs into weasel words

Weasel carrying mouse
On Wednesday afternoon I managed an hour at Ferring Rife before Dave and Maggie arrived. There were plenty of Speckled Woods on the brambles and dragonflies. 

Speckled Wood
On Thursday I visited the Tide Mills at Newhaven and Hope Gap. After walking round the sea side area of the Tide Mills nature reserve area I stopped to read the sign about the station master's house. I noticed a large mammal move by the left of me, then heard a squeal and saw a weasel take off across the ruins. I managed a few shots and you can see it is carrying a mouse. 
Late note: I originally thought it was a stoat, but Mark has pointed out that the short tail without a black tip is a clear id for a weasel.
Reported to the Mammal Society on record MSALL17704 (click here for recording form)

Tide Mills pool
view from Hope Gap (Seaford Head):

Later I joined some of the SusSAR team at the Lifeguard Station at Seaford for a talk and demo by the South East Coast Ambulance Service. We were joined by a local search team and the lifeguards, all volunteers like SusSAR.


  1. Wonderful pictures, as usual. How neat to catch the circle of life in action! I love the photo of Hope Gap, amazing!

  2. thanks Penny and Caroline. Yes, every so often I am privileged to see something unusual. Hope Gap is wonderful, especially in the late afternoon Autumn light. I featured Sue's favourite countryside furniture.


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