Thursday 29 September 2011

Southern Hawker and Fly agarics

 male Southern Hawker
Yesterday morning visited Pulborough Brooks and joined the RSPB. We had a lovely walk around part of the reserve, but the highlight was stopping to watch two Southern Hawkers patrolling a pond. One hovered invitingly near me and after many attempts I managed to get some half decent shots at one thousandth of a second. Every so often the two males would meet and have a territorial dispute before returning to their respective parts of the pond.

Chicken of the woods

Later I found some Fly agarics at Iping Common.
Fly agaric Amanita muscaria
This beautiful mushroom is poisonous

1 comment:

  1. Unlike some of the more ambiguous mushrooms, at least the Fly Agaric has the decency to look poisonous.

    Keep up the good work Col,

    We'll be blogging again soon.... schedule willing!


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