Friday 30 September 2011

Ouse Estuary birds

This morning I called in at Mill Hill, but only saw a few Meadow Browns and a mushroom. I then headed for Newhaven where I met Mark who was following a female Wall. The old rubbish tip area where I had seen my first Clouded Yellow two years ago is about to be developed as a superstore. An ecology team has been busy since my last visit a week ago. They have constructed polythene walls dividing the whole area into segments to capture Great Crested Newts. Collecting containers will trap the newts that try to find a way around the barriers. They will be translocated into the adjacent Ouse Estuary Reserve, which is ringed by a newt-proof wall. I then spent some time at the nearby Tide Mills.
Mushroom at Mill Hill
Next to the Ouse Estuary Reserve on land marked for development:
Shaggy Ink Cap mushroom Coprinus comatus
Roman Snail
Roman Snail

Tide Mills:
House Sparrow
House Sparrow
Mill Pond

Happy hound
Pampus Grass

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