Wednesday 27 January 2016

Brandy Hole Copse

Hairy Curtain Crust, Stereum hirsutum

On Monday morning I explored Brandy Hole Copse for fungi. I found several species I am familiar with plus Rosy Crust. I also wandered into an area of the wood that I had not entered before and came across some interesting World War II defensive structures.
Bank Haircap Moss, Polytrichum formosum
Bank Haircap Moss
Birch Polypore, Piptoporus betulinus
Birch Polypore
Cup Lichen, Cladonia species
Hairy Curtain Crust, Stereum hirsutum
Bonnet fungus, Mycena hiemalis
this is a likely id but is not definitive
underside of above
Hairy Curtain Crust in wood
Hairy Curtain Crust
Hairy Curtain Crust
underside of above
Hairy Curtain Crust
Hairy Curtain Crust
resupinate form of Oak Curtain Crust, Hymenochaete rubiginosa
Oak Curtain Crust
Oak Curtain Crust
Rosy Crust, Peniophora incarnata
Silverleaf Fungus, Chondrostereum purpureum
Silverleaf Fungus
Silverleaf Fungus

World War II defence structures

Sussex Search and Rescue

On Sunday I joined 'Sussex Search and Rescue' colleagues to search for an elderly vulnerable gentleman who had gone missing from his home in Chichester . The search was initiated by Sussex Police and continued on Monday. We found him on Monday evening and he is recovering in hospital.
  Police report:
  Local press report:

This outcome was a vindication of the work we do as Sussex volunteers. We are a self funding charity, train two evenings a month, are first aid trained and on call 24/7 every day of the year. Our training and operational standards are controlled by the Association of Lowland Search & Rescue.

We work closely with our colleagues at Search Dogs Sussex who also attended this search:

To raise funds we marshal sports events, attend shows & fairs and stand outside supermarkets with our collecting tins! Companies also support our work with donations, services and equipment, for which we are grateful.

Further information about how to support our work is available on our website:

A petition has been initiated to Create a fund to help sustain the official voluntary UK Search & Rescue teams. Please sign to assist us:  

Monday 25 January 2016

River Arun birdlife

sunrise over East Beach cafe January 19
On Wednesday 20th I attended another Heyshott work party. The ground was frozen which made for a clean walk up the hill for a change. Late afternoon I checked out the fields near Warningcamp. There was no sign of the Barn Owl, but a Buzzard flew over, a Kestrel perched on two trees and a Heron looked for prey in the field then flew off. Pheasants fed and a Stonechat flew from perch to perch.
  On Saturday I visited Arundel WWT again and saw a Peregrine perched on top of The Hangar. The Owl appeared around 3:55pm and flew south after dropping onto a low branch by the water.
Heyshott work party
Heyshott work party
River Arun:
Turkey ♂, Meleagris gallopavo
Chicken, Gallus gallus domesticus
Buzzard, Buteo buteo
Grey Heron, Ardea cinerea
Grey Heron
Kestrel, Falco tinnunculus
Mute Swans, Cygnus olor
Pheasants, Phasianus colchicus
Stonechat, Saxicola torquata
Arundel Castle

sunrise over East Beach cafe Jan 21
Arundel WWT:
Mallards, Anas platyrhynchos
Mallard, Anas platyrhynchos
 She stayed on the fence and went to sleep after preening herself.

Peregrine, Falco peregrinus