Tuesday 5 June 2018

Nest building wren and a dipper

Dipper, Cinclus cinclus
This is the last blog covering our Sheffield trip in April when I enjoyed daily walks along The Porter Brook where I watched a wren nest building, saw a pair of mating toads and 
found a dipper hunting. I also enjoyed a metal detecting rally in Derbyshire. I visited my brother Keith in York who was recovering well from a double bypass. We had a lovely lunch in a restaurant and enjoyed the ceramics exhibition in the York Art Gallery.
Common Toads mating, Bufo bufo

Wren nest building, Troglodytes troglodytes

Butterbur, Petasites hybridus

Coot on nest, Felica cornata
Dipper, Cinclus cinclus

Dipper hunting
Field Horsetail, Equisetum arvense

Mandarin Duck male, Aix galericulata

Mandarin Duck female

Marsh Marigold, Caltha palustris

Wren nest building


Monday 4 June 2018

Pearl-bordered Fritillary and moths

Pearl-bordered Fritillary, Boloria euphrosyne
On May 17 I visited local 3 sites and found 9  micro moths. At Climping I found a Sulphur Tubic (Esperia sulphurella).
At Worms Wood Common Nettle-taps (Anthophila fabriciana) on the nettles plus a Red Admiral and several Orange-tips flying along a track.
At Rewell Wood late afternoon I saw 3 Pearl-bordered Fritillaries, a Dark Strawberry Tortrix (Celypha lacunana), a Common Sweep larval case (Psyche casta) and a Brassy Twist (Eulia ministrana). I also found 4 unidentified micro moths.
Common Banded Hoverfly, Syrphus ribesii

Common Nettle-tap, Anthophila fabriciana

Garlic Mustard, Alliaria petiolata

Herb Robert, Geranium robertianum

Red Campion, Silene dioica

Sulphur Tubic, Esperia sulphurella

Tree Mallow, Lavatera arborea
Worms Wood:
Dock Bug, Coreus marginatus

Red Admiral, Vanessa atalanta

Yellow Pimpernel, Lysimachia nemorum
Rewell Wood:
Brassy Twist, Eulia ministrana

Common Sweep larval case, Psyche casta

Dark Strawberry Tortrix, Celypha lacunana
Soldier Beetle, Cantharis nigra

Hairy Shieldbug, Dolycoris baccarum

Heather Hook-wing, Ancylis uncella

unidentified micro moth

unidentified micro moth

Roe Deer, Capreolus capreolus

weevil, Polydrusus tereticollis