The second full day of our safari tour (15 Sep) started with an early morning walk round the Lodge area, led by our guide Tommy. On the way to reception I came across an Impala. During the walk I photographed 9 species of butterflies and saw more, all warmed up and not wanting to pose much.
Impala, Aepyceros melampus |
Impala |
Umkhumbi Lodge reception |
acacia thorn tree |
bindweed |
early morning walkers
Colin, Ina, Vanessa, Chris |
Nyala ♂, Tragelaphus angasii |
Monkey Orange, Strychnos spinosa |
Red Duiker, Cephalophus natalensis |
Red-veined Darter, Sympetrum fonscolombii |
safari wagon |
Tamboti tree, Spirostachys africana
the sap numbs gums |
termite mound |
Three-banded Plovers, Charadrius tricollaris |
Tommy briefs the group |
Tommy resting on the 'elbow' tree |
Brown-veined White, Belenois aurota aurota |
African Veined White, Belenois gidica abyssinica |
Common Orange Tip, Colotis evenina evenina |
Common Orange Tip |
Damara Copper, Aloeides damarensis |
Dancing Acraea, Acraea serena |
Dancing Acraea, Acraea serena |
Ella's Bar, Cigaritis ella |
Northern Cupreous Blue, Eicochrysops messapus mahallakoaena |
Scarlet-tip, Colotis danae |
Scarlet-tip |
Silver-spotted Grey, Crudaria leroma |
Afternoon tour:
Greater Kudu, Tragelaphus strepsiceros |
Greater Kudu |
African Elephants |
Its feeding time and the rescue elephants Rambo, Rachel and Jabulani know where to come. Their early years made them dependant and as a result they crave human contact and are bonded to their handlers at the reserve.
Black-collared Barbet, Lybius torquatus |

Burchell's Zebra, Equus quagga burchellii |
Greater Kudu, Tragelaphus strepsiceros |
Impala, Aepyceros melampus |
Waterbuck, Kobus ellipsiprymnus |
Nyala ♂, Tragelaphus angasii |
Lions, Panthera leo |
African Helmeted Turtle, Pelomedusa subrufa |
Bateleur, Terathopius ecaudatus |
Brown-hooded Kingfisher, Halcyon albiventris |
Egyptian Geese, Alopochen aegyptiacus |
Giraffe, Giraffa camelopardalis |
Nyala with an Impala |
Greater Kudu, Tragelaphus strepsiceros |
Greater Kudu |
Greater Kudu |
Nyala with an Impala |
Grey Heron, Ardea cinerea |
Hippos, Hippopotamus amphibius |
Hippo |
Hoopoe, Upupa epops |
Impala, Aepyceros melampus |
Lion, Panthera leo |
Nile Crocodile, Crocodylus niloticu |
Nile Crocodile, Crocodylus niloticus and African Helmeted Turtles, Pelomedusa subrufa |
Three-banded Plover, Charadrius tricollaris |
Water Thick-knee, Burhinus vermiculatus |
Woolly-necked Stork, Ciconia episcopus |
night time at the lodge:
Giant Red-legged African Millipede, Ephibolus pulchripes |
Praying mantis |
Raucous Toad, Amietophrynus rangeri |
Speckled Emperor, Gynasia maia |