Thursday 1 September 2011

Rewell Wood lizards

Red Admiral on Valerian
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Yesterday I headed back to Rewell Wood to see if there are any Pearl-bordered Fritillaries as a second brood has been reported in East Sussex. None seen, but there was a plethora of lizards, including slow-worms under mats.
Grasshopper, Stenobothrus lineatusCommon LizardMigrant Hawker Aeshna mixtaCommon Carpet moth, Epirrhoe alternataGarden Spider, Araneus diadematusBroom, Cytisus scopariusCat's-ear, Hypochaeris radicataLight Emerald moth Campaea margaritataLight Emerald moth Campaea margaritataCommon BlueBeeBrown ArgusGatekeeperGreen-veined WhiteGreen-veined whiteBee on Common Fleabane, Pulicaria dysentericaSmall White femaleCommon LizardsCommon LizardsPeacockBrimstone on buddleiaCommon BrownBrimstone on marjoramBrimstoneCommon LizardsRed Admiral on ValerianRed Admiral taking off from ValerianRed Admiral on ValerianComma on brackenCommon Darter, Sympetrum striolatumSmall Whitejuvenile Common LizardsSilver Y moth Autographa gammaCentaury, Centaurium sp.Speckled WoodWhite MarjoramCommon BlueGreen-veined White femaleGreen-veined White femaleGreen-veined WhiteCommon BlueGeotrupes stercorarius
Rewell Wood rideHeather, Calluna spCommon Fleabane, Pulicaria dysentericaA

1 comment:

  1. The lizards are amazing! I remember catching newts as a child. Getting about 20 in my bucket, then realising that all that was left to do was release them. Shame to stress them really but, hand on heart, I never did any of that horrible 'boy' stuff (tearing off limbs, etc).
    Lovely pics as always.
    D and G


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