Friday 22 March 2013

A Pheasant poses

Pheasant, Phasianus colchicus
On Wednesday we had another work party at Heyshott. On the way back a herd of 13 Fallow Deer stood in a field and watched us, then dashed off. The winter work parties are nearly over and in another week I will be searching for butterflies again provided dry weather returns. This morning we had a work party at Rewell Wood where I joined Nigel and Neil and we moved piles of brush further into the wood by the wide rides to provide more territory for the Duke and Pearl Bordered Fritillaries to move into. By the time we had finished at 2pm the rain had started so no side trip to Arundel WWT on the way home.
Neil attempting to remove Excalibur
The challenge still awaits a champion

The yew half removed
These have to be removed as they are poisonous to the cattle which will be grazing the area as part of the reserve management.
it's on its way
its gone
Fallow Deer, Dama dama
Mike the woodman
Arundel WWT:
Black-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus ridibundus

Pheasant, Phasianus colchicus
Egyptian Goose, Alopochen aegyptiacus
Barrow's Goldeneye, Bucephala islandica
Water Rail, Rallus aquaticus
The Water Rail was feeding again in the same place as Tuesday. Unfortunately it was overcast.
Water Rail with worm

Bracket fungus
Rewell work party:
Neil working
Nigel, our working chairman
tidy piles after moving the brush
the ride

Thursday 21 March 2013

Goldfinch, Kingfisher and Water Rail

Goldfinch, Carduelis carduelis
On Tuesday I returned to Long Pool, Pagham Harbour but the Bearded Tits did not put in an appearance. Instead I saw Little Egrets and a Goldfinch. At the bird feeder by the visitor centre there was a Greenfinch feasting. At Church Norton a Redshank was feeding  on the mudflat. By  Ivy Lake, Chichester I saw a Kingfisher fishing and two Great Crested Grebes. At Arundel WWT the Water Rail was feeding by the reed bed where the Red-breasted Geese live. 
Long Pool

Little Egret, Egretta garzetta
Little Egret, Egretta garzetta
at the feeder:
Greenfinch, Carduelis chloris
Pheasant, Phasianus colchicus

Blackbird, Turdus merula
Church Norton:

Redshank, Tringa totanus

Ivy Lake:
Great Crested Grebe, Podiceps cristatus
Kingfisher, Alcedo atthis
Kingfisher, Alcedo atthis
Kingfisher ready to strike
He dived into the water, but did not catch anything

Arundel WWT:
Red-breasted Goose, Branta Ruficollis
Emperor Goose, Chen Canagicus
Shelduck, Tadorna tadorna
Water Rail, Rallus aquaticus

Wednesday 20 March 2013

An Edward penny and a Unicorn

Edward penny, obverse
On Sunday we had a club dig on wet soil. I found my earliest hammered coin, an Edward penny minted in Canterbury. I think it is Edward I, but need confirmation. I also found a copper alloy horse mount in the form of a Unicorn, a copper clasp, a lead Spindle whorl or Loom weight and two buttons.
Edward penny, reverse
Edward I penny? (1282-1289)
Obverse Legend: [EDW R?] ANGL DNS HYB (Edward King of England Lord of Ireland)
Reverse Legend: CIVITAS CANTOR (City of Canterbury)
diameter : 17mm, thickness: 0.57mm, weight: 0.96g

copper clasp
Copper clasp: weight: 3.14g, height: 16mm, thickness: 0.92mm, length: 24.5mm

Unicorn horse mount
Unicorn horse mount: weight: 40.1g, height: 54.2mm, thickness: 5.6mm, width 64.8mm
At first I thought it was a Griffin, but Muike pointed out that it is a unicorn that has lost its horn.
Spindle whorl or loom weight
Spindle whorl: weight: 26.25g, height: 11.6mm, diameter: 22.6mm

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Bearded Tits and a Goldcrest at Pagham Harbour

Bearded Tit, Panurus biarmicus
I visited Long Pool, Pagham Harbour at midday yesterday and found a pair of Bearded Tits, male and female. Unfortunately they were on the far side of the reed bed, too far even for my 300mm lens with 1.4 teleconverter. The results were not as good as a month before when they were 18 metres away and I used my zoom at 300mm:

A pair of Reed Buntings had a dogfight along the path and I was surprised when I processed my photos later and found a Goldcrest. I shall return!
Goldcrest, Regulus regulus
Goldcrest, Regulus regulus
female Bearded Tit, Panurus biarmicus
female and male Bearded Tits
male Bearded Tit, Panurus biarmicus

Black-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus ridibundus
Black-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus ridibundus
Dunnock, Prunella modularis
Reed Bunting, Emberiza schoeniclus
Little Egret, Egretta garzetta
Mallard, Anas platyrhynchos
Redshank, Tringa totanus

This Redshank was intent on dragging its prey from the mud. 
Mill Road, Arundel:
male Mandarin Duck, Aix galericulata
female Mandarin Duck, Aix galericulata
Coot, Fulica atra