Thursday 25 August 2011

Steyning adder

juvenile Adder
The weather improved after lunch so I rushed off to Steyning. At the top of the hill I found a Brown Hairstreak in good condition, but it moved around and eventually flew over the blackthorn and I lost it. I went to the bottom patch of blackthorn but found nothing. George then turned up looking for adders and introduced Phil and myself to a juvenile plus one and two year old common lizards and adults.
Brown Hairstreak
Seven-spot ladybird
Speckled Wood
male Common Scorpion Fly Panorpa communis
The male Scorpion Fly has a pair of claspers on a bulbous genital segment formed like a scorpion sting. The female has a pointed segment.
Two year old Common Lizard
Common Lizard
Two year old Common Lizard

Juvenile Adder
view of Steyning
juvenile Grass Snake under mat
juvenile Slow-worm under mat
Butterfly sculpture

1 comment:

  1. Hi Colin,

    Great Adder shots, would love to see one myself any tips? Also re the Slow Worms, where is this mystical mat - I'm intrigued!?

    Also love your shot of the Holly Blue (have yet to photograph one). Nice Bokeh! Did you use the bridge camera?




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