Saturday 27 August 2011

Adonis and Chalkhills at Mill Hill

Adonis Blue and Chalkhill Blue on Carline Thistle
This morning the sky was clear early on so I did my weekly transect at Mill Hill with the following results: 27 Adonis Blue, 6 Chalkhill Blue, 2 Common Blue, 3 Gatekeeper, 67 Meadow Brown, 15 Small Heath. 

I then called in at Steyning and found the grass snake and a slow-worm under the mat.

Mill Hill:

This Adonis Blue has led a hard life
Small White

Steyning Downland Scheme:
Yellow Shell moth Camptogramma bilineata
Spider id needed
Green-veined White

view over Steyning from top of Hill

1 comment:

  1. Not sure if this is the correct genus but Gabi thinks the spider might be a 'Euuueeeeuuwww'?


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