Silver-studded Blue, Plebeius argus, male |
On Tuesday I took advantage of a rainless morning to visit Iping and Steadham Commons near Midhurst to look for Silver-studded Blues with Mark. We found one each, and Mark found another later.
Silver-studded Blue, Plebeius argus, male |
Silver-studded Blue, Plebeius argus, male |
Silver-studded Blue, Plebeius argus, male |
Ant eggs |
Ant larvae and eggs |
Ant larvae |
Bell Heather Erica cinerea |
Birch sawfly larva, Cimbex femoratus |
Comfrey Symphytum officinale |
Common Heath moth, Ematurga atomaria |
Drinker moth caterpillar, Euthrix potatoria on grass |
Oak Eggar larva, Lasiocampa quercus |
Heath Bedstraw Galium saxatil |
Heath Bedstraw Galium saxatil |
flower - id needed |
moth - id needed |
moth - id needed |
Tiger Cranefly, Nephrotoma species |
White clover, Trifolium repenshite |
White clover, Trifolium repenshite |
Yellow Dung fly, Scatophaga stercoraria |
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