Friday 1 June 2012

Rewell Wood afternoon

Green Orb-weaver, Araniella cucurbitina
On Wednesday afternoon I spent an hour or so at Rewell Wood. One Comma showed itself plus a few Speckled Yellow moths, including one nectaring on Foxglove. This tiny Green Orb-weaver caught my attention. During the past two weeks the plants have soared from the ground like Jack's beanstalk.
Comma, Polygonia c-album
Foxglove, Digitalis purpurea
Foxglove, Digitalis purpurea
Green Orb-weaver, Araniella cucurbitina
Green Orb-weaver, Araniella cucurbitina
Green Orb-weaver, Araniella cucurbitina
Slow-worm, Anguis fragilis
Speckled Yellow moth, Pseudopanthera macularia
Speckled Yellow moth, Pseudopanthera macularia
id needed for this tiny flower


  1. Hi Colin I love the green orb photo. We get golden orbs at dads house. Have you seen them? Scary. Hope all is well with you and Sue. Glad that camera of yours is getting a regular workout. Humpback whale season here at the moment really hope to see them soon. Sheryl

  2. HI Sheryl, I can't recall seeing the Golden Orb spider, looks impressive though. Yes, I'm busy wearing the cameras out! Humpbacks - envy envy! We are fine.


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