Large Skipper, Ochlodes faunus |
The rain was bucketing down early this morning but thankfully ceased and I took the opportunity to check Cissbury Ring for Dark-green Fritillaries. None seen, but I did see 70+ Meadow Browns, a Red Admiral, 3 Common blues, 6 Small Heaths, 3 Large Skippers and a Yellow Hammer. The wild strawberries were ripening nicely.
Black slug, Arion ater |
Cissbury Ring |
Common Blue, Polyommatus icarus, male |
Meadow Brown, Maniola jurtina |
Oedemera nobilis beetle on Hawkbit |
Small Heath, Coenonympha pamphilus |
Tufted vetch, Vicia cracca |
Wild Mignonette, Reseda lutea |
Wild Strawberry, Fragaria vesca |
Wild Thyme, Thymus serpyllum |
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