Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Adders and Grizzlies at Mill Hill

Grizzled Skipper, Pyrgus malvae
I did my weekly butterfly transect at Mill Hill this morning. It was sunny with a cold wind, so I was not surprised at the absence of butterflies. They started flying when it had warmed up at the bottom of the hill. The exciting subjects today were the adders. I first saw a black female, then a brown female, then a grey male followed by a black male. The last black male moved towards the brown female which was basking in the sun. They met and the rest is history! after 30 minutes observing them I moved on and photographed Grizzled Skippers. I saw a few Dingy Skippers, but no photos. I finally saw the Small Heath that Joaquim reported on Friday plus a male Brimstone. Later I witnessed the grey and black male adders doing their dominance dance.

Grizzled Skipper, Pyrgus malvae
Grizzled Skipper, Pyrgus malvae
Grizzled Skipper, Pyrgus malvae
Small Heath, Coenonympha pamphilus

male Adder on the move
he finds a female
and the fun begins

Two male adders doing their dominance dance:

vapour trail over Mill Hill
Mill Hill looking north-west 
middle area
Mill Hill looking south 

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