Sunday 31 July 2011

Steyning and SusSAR

Old Rifle Range at Steyning
On Thursday morning I visited Steyning again to hut for the elusive Brown Hairstreak. Once again I met other enthusiasts on the same mission, The weather was perfect, but no sign of the elusive creature.
Speckled Wood
after editing with new Photoshop Elements software
Red Admiral


mating Gatekeepers
Slow worm

During the afternoon I received a call-out from SusSAR for an elderly lady who was missing from South Harting Village: This turned into a 3 day event with Search and Recovery units, Search Dog units and Neighbourhood Watch teams from Southern England turning out. I worked with a Search Dog unit and a Neighbourhood Watch team for the first time, an interesting experience. The lady was thankfully found on Saturday safe and well on a  road by a police patrol car 2 miles from the village.
Deer at the corner of  one of the fields we searched

1 comment:

  1. The Chalkhill Blues came out on Mill Hill after you had left. I had the same number as you at first. Then I sat down and about 35 more appeared almost from nowhere. Still a low total.


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