Friday 10 September 2010

Deer and adder encounters at Mill Hill

Meadow Brown
Although it was a dull morning, it was dry and I was keen to have another go at the Clouded Yellows. Every butterfly at Mill Hill was out and about except the Clouded Yellows. However I was well rewarded with other sightings.
First I spotted a deer from the hillside at the same place in the adjacent field that I saw one last year. Roe deer are reported in the area and the lack of horns at this time of year indicates it was a doe.
Then I found another adder thirty meters from Tuesday’s sighting. It was by brambles and bushes, and after a short interval while I took photos, it slowly slithered into the undergrowth.
male Adonis Blue above and below

an extremely worn specimen
view over the River Adue to Lancing College
Meadow Brown on Carline Thistle
Common Darter, Sympetrum striolatum
Dark Bush Cricket Pholidoptera griseoaptera
bumble bee
some brambles are still in flower
Yarrow or Millfoil Achillea millefolium
Milkwort, either Common or Chalk

there are large patches of Eyebright, some a meter wide

Lancing College across the River Adur

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    Great pictures. I have put the reports up on the Mill Hill site (with links) at:

    Mill Hill Reports 2010

    I would be interested to know if you have any better resolution photographs.

    Also, with you permission, I might want to guest one or two of your pictures on an occasional slide show I do on Mill Hill. I say might want to because the next talk next Thursday and I might not have time to alter the Powerpoint presentation. Credits will be given to you. I have got plenty of pics, but yours are better.

    It is best to write directly to my EMail address.

    PS: If you spot any mistakes in my reports, please let me know.

    Adur Butterfly & Large Moth List


    Andy Horton
    Adur Valley Nature Notes
    Adur Valley Nature Notes: September 2010
    Sussex Downs Facebook Group


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