Sunday 12 September 2010

Clouds and Yellow combine

What a wonderful Autumn day! Clear skies and gorgeous clouds. The day stated with  a club dig near Shoreham. I found an old penny and halfpenny, a button and shrapnel from mortars. Others club members were more successful with three Roman and a George III shilling.

After six hours I decided that was enough and I visited nearby Mill Hill hoping for Clouded Yellow photos. There I met a couple from Nottingham who had come specially to film the Clouded Yellow. This was the 58th British butterfly Paul has filmed this year. He got his full set as the male landed and the cloud cover kept him stationary for ten minutes. I then chased the butterfly and photographed him having a confrontation with a Meadow Brown on a thistle. The photos were shot at 1/2000th second at ISO 3200.

Mill Hill looking west


  1. Brilliant Clouded Yellow pictures!

    Andy Horton

  2. Hi Colin
    Great to meet you and some lovely shots of my number 58. Keep up the good work but don't wear yourself out chasing Clouded yellows.
    All the best.

  3. Thanks guys. Looking forward to your DVD Paul. The next chasing I am likely to do is after Eagle Rays in the Maldives in November.


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