Saturday 3 July 2010

Coupling Fritillaries and a Forester

We walked along the beach with Philip and Seppi and then they left for Gatwick around 12:30. After lunch I decided to return to Cissbury Ring to try for some more shots of the Marbled White and Dark Green Fritillary. 
The Marbled Whites were in the east ditch and the Dark Green Fritillaries on the top among the blackberry flowers. 
I found a pair mating, and more males piled in for a piece of the action. The coupling pair then flew a long way off.
Small Copper  (also top)
Six-spot Burnet moth
The Forester moth
Small Skipper
Small Skipper underside
Meadow Brown
Bumble Bee
I saw this same rabbit yesterday


  1. Colin,

    This must have been the young rabitt at the bottom of the Ring just before the parking spot. Is that 3 DG Frittilaries on one photo ?
    Cissbury Ring is wonderfully unique !


  2. Yes, the same rabbit. There are four DGFs, two males trying to disturb the happy couple!


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