Monday, 28 June 2010

Norwich Castle Museum & Hickling Reserve

Tuesday June 22
We parked at the Castle Mall car park in Norwich and spent the morning in the Castle Museum. I spent most of the time in the Celtic, Anglo-Saxon and Viking sections, which had plenty of interesting exhibits which were well laid out with interesting videos illustrating Boudicca’s story. My only criticism is that you need a torch to see the markings on many of the coins and the A4 keys to many displays were missing so you don’t know what you are viewing. The café area was excellent for light meals and refreshments.
Gilt Roman ceremonial helmet from the River Wensum at Worthing (and at top)
The Natural History section was a gigantic disappointment in spite of being recently revamped. It reminded me of my visits to the London Natural History Museum in the 1950s, a very Victorian display of large dioramas showing just a few species of birds, collectors trays of pinned insects and stuffed animals from all over the world. They should have displays illustrating the wealth of Norfolk’s flora and fauna which attracts tourists and local people to the many excellent nature reserves in the area. This would interest and motivate children and adults to become actively involved with local conservation organisations. The life cycle of the Swallowtail alone deserves a section, and many other local species spring to mind – Marsh Harrier, Chinese water deer, otter, water vole, Norfolk hawker, Red-legged partridge. I felt angry that an important museum should revamp its Natural History area and create such a dull and uninspiring display. End of soap box! I was glad that the history area was such a contrast.
After a nice cup of tea at the cottage I went back to Hickling reserve for more Swallowtails.
Sedge Warbler, Acrocephalus schoenobaenus
larva of The Drinker moth Euthrix potatoria which feeds on reeds and grass
Broad-bodied Chaser, Libellula depressa
Wren, Troglodytes troglodytes
 a family of wrens inhabited the woodland walk

video of Garden Tiger Moth caterpillar, Arctia caja, searching for a site to pupate:


  1. Colin, as ever your images are impeccable. Love your "postcards" cheers from Saudi.

  2. Thanks Duke, retirement is good, try it sometime :)


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