Saturday 12 June 2010

Alex and Nadine wed at Buxton

We set off at 1pm from Sheffield and the sat-nav gave us a picturesque route through Hathersage and Hope, arriving in Buxton 1:45 where we checked into The Old Hall Hotel is a cosy old building in the centre of Buxton opposite the wedding venue, the Don Redfern Bandstand. The skies cleared after lunch and by 3pm it was a glorious afternoon for the 4pm wedding. Nadine looked gorgeous as always and Alex and best man Kev looked the business. The bandstand was an excellent choice of venue as it overlooks the lake and Pavilion Gardens where the rhododendrons are in full bloom. Ken read a Shakespeare sonnet after the wedding vows were completed and we adjourned for photos followed by champagne and an excellent buffet dinner in the Pavilion. Talented guests and children demonstrated their prowess with a hula hoop during the evening.
The Bandstand
 leaving the bandstand
 Nadine's family group
 best man Kev with Alex
 Ken, Nadine & Alex, Danuta

Gabi & Dan who will wed next month

 Ken with his book of Shakespeare sonnets and Mum

 Nadine's mother Sandra, Grandmother, Nadine and bridesmaid Verity

Sammy with Ollie

 Mark and Helen

Helen and Sammy with Ollie stealing the show

whose a smart young man

Young ladies doing what little girls do

Beth and Sammy with Ollie

Beth having fun as usual


Pavilion Gardens, Bandstand and Pavilion

This was a wonderful wedding for two people who are so right for each other. Alex was two when he attended our wedding in 1973...

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