male second brood Green-veined White, Pieris napi |
Yesterday morning I attended a SusSAR search at Devil's Dyke for a missing person. During the search I saw 6 species of butterflies: Red Admiral, Marbled White, Meadow Brown, Ringlet, Gatekeeper and an Essex Skipper. We also spotted a Dormouse Nest Tube in woodland. I then checked Hollingbury Park but no White-letter Hairstreak appeared during bursts of sunshine. I was able to do my weekly butterfly transect at Mill Hill on the way back: Chalkhill Blue 14, Meadow Brown 48, Red Admiral 2, Small Heath 4, Wall Brown 2, Small Skipper 1, unidentified White 1. The Walls were spotted by Mark and Ian Cadey at the southern end.
Field Scabious, Knautia arvensis |
male second brood Green-veined White, Pieris napi |
Meadow Brown, Maniola jurtina |
female Essex Skipper, Thymelicus lineola |
note the black underside of the tip of the left antenna which shows this is an Essex Skipper and not a Small Skipper.
female Essex Skipper, Thymelicus lineola |
female Essex Skipper, Thymelicus lineola |
Dormouse Nest Tube |
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