Saturday 13 November 2010

Paradise Reef and Feydhoo Caves

Bill arrived last night from Perth so I now have my regular dive buddy.
Paradise Reef As always this was an excellent dive with lots of soft coral and  thousands of Anthias, the small golden fish.

dive buddy Bill


diseased coral
diseased coral

Bandos reef This site is a vertical wall to 20 meters which meets a sandy slope.


Adel with camera, very unusual sight 

Adel shooting me 
Juvenile angelfish

Feydhoo Caves This afternoon dive was a gentle swim along another vertical wall

view of Bandos from dive boat 

juvenile butterfly fish, an inch or two long 
2 cleaner shrimps on moral eel and a banded shrimp which also cleans it 

self portrait with Bill in background 

shoal of batfish

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