Sunday 14 November 2010

Bandos night dive, Lankan, Maagiri and Faru outer

Six of us did the first night dive of the trip yesterday on Bandos Housereef. A large eel slithered away when we looked inside the wreck and a beautiful cowrie was resting on the floor. Plenty of feather stars were feeding, each having different patterns on its arms. Lobster cave lived up to its name.

Lankan Reef. The first dive today had a couple of mantas and plenty of fish.

Adel & Abdulla with reef hooks

The second morning dive was at Maagiri Rock which was covered in fish.
Bill and Blue-stripe snappers



cleaner shrimp

Lewis snapping Peter with Adel behind him

Faru Outer The afternoon dive was a gentle dive with a large honeycomb moral. There were plenty of Blue Surgeonfish and Sohail, another surgeonfish, in the shallows.
 probably one of the luxury live aboard dive boats 

Lewis and Hassan 

 Moi and my island!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Colin from "down under",
    I´m absolutely smashed by your breathtaking pics. Some of them should win an oscar for unreal colours and shapes.


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