Tuesday 16 November 2010

Barracuda, Furana and Maagiri at night

Barracuda Giri. The first morning dive was at this favourite site. We made several circuits of this small reef which was teeming with fish life.

Gowagath Reef is next to Barracuda Giri and has acres of anemones covering one part of it. I have the impression that all the soft corals at the top of the reef have disappeared. I noticed quite a lot of fishing line which was not there last year.

Furana South. This was a pleasant afternoon dive.

Maagiri Rock was the night dive off a boat. Plenty of life, including turtles and free swimming eels which were hunting.

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous photos. We're very jealous, here in drizzly Woking!


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