Saturday 20 November 2010

Final dives and farewells

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Yesterday was my final day’s diving and we went to The Aquarium again. Once again we enjoyed large shoals of fish at the corner known as The Aquarium.
Oriental sweetlips
Eagle ray

Vlaming's Unicorn fish, male chasing female

We dropped off at the House reef  for my last dive of the trip. At the exit rope we found hundreds of Moorish Idols and Sergeant Majors.
Mushroom coral
Chromis on coral
A large Black-tip

Bill above the Bandos wreck
Bill hanging loose

At 3pm I enjoyed a ninety minute oil massage at the Anggerik Spa and floated out as usual. Late afternoon found me hunting for the Blue butterflies again. This is the best time of day as they are not so skittish as early morning and midday. Once again I saw three butterflies in one sighting compared with one in the early morning when the sun was on the patch of grass.
Final sundowners at the sunset bar were most enjoyable. I finally met Barbara and Suzy, our non-diving members of the group. Adel and Abdulla left for Saudi in the evening, and Bill leaves tonight for Perth. These three guys join me in the Maldives every year. We just need Andy to join us again next year to make up our regular group.

 two blues

Au Revoir

1 comment:

  1. Hi Colin - just flew back to Saudi from Australia and managed to catch up with Adel and Abdullah in Bahrain Airport. They told us about the Maldives Trip and I hear Adel is competing with us in the u/w photography stakes! You have posted so excellent photos especially the black tip, eagle ray and hermit crab. Glad you all had a nice time. Faraway is 5 days away from the Caribbean so we are getting very excited. Sheryl PS. I have been cleared for diving again after 1 more month so that's good news.


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