Wednesday 2 July 2014

Silver-studded Blues and Spitfire PS915

Spitfire PS915
On Saturday I led a walk at Iping and Stedham Commons to see the Silver-studded Blue butterflies and Common Heath moths. Paul, Peter and Anna joined me and we saw a dozen or so SSBs, male and female, plus some Common Heaths before the heavens opened as we arrived back at the car park. We also saw Yellowhammers, and a Woodlark did the rounds of his territory, singing forcefully from the top of his trees. Paul gave us some insights into the flora at the reserve, and the Water Pepper was a memorable taste. I was pleased to find two new moths: Inlaid Grass-veneer and Golden Pearl plus a Rosy Tabby  and some fruiting lichens.
  Back home there was a display on the green for Armed Forces Day. I heard an old plane roar by, grabbed a camera and managed to get some shots of Spitfire PS915 doing some fly-bys. This graceful aircraft was built in 1945.
Inlaid Grass-veneer, Crambus pascuella
fruiting lichen
fruiting Lichen, Cladonia polydactyla 
larva hanging from a silk thread. sawfly or moth?
thanks to Maurice for the following 2 moth ids
Golden Pearl, Anania verbascalis
underside of Rosy Tabby, Endotricha flammealis
Rosy Tabby, Endotricha flammealis
female Silver-studded Blue, Plebeius argus
male Silver-studded Blue, Plebeius argus

smile please!


  1. Hi

    Not sure my message went through OK, sending it again.

    The second moth for i.d. could it be Anania verbascalis



    1. Thanks Maurice, looks spot on!

    2. Hi Colin

      The other might be a worn Endotricha flammealis, but I cannot be sure.



    3. Thanks Maurice, I agree. You have also solved the mystery of another E. flammealis I photographed Sunday and couldn't id!


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