Saturday 5 July 2014

Lulworth Skippers on the cliffs

Lulworth Skipper, Thymelicus acteon
Yesterday I joined up with Dan and Indi Danahar on an expedition to see Lulworth Skippers. They picked me up at 8:30 and at 10:40 we arrived in the car park at Lulworth Cove. We had great coffee at Finley’s Cafe, walked along the beach to the east side of the cove, then made our way up the path to the cliff top at Bindon Hill. As soon as we arrived we saw Lulworth Skippers flitting around the paths nectaring on a variety of flowers. They were mainly females. Other butterflies seen: Large Skipper, Marbled White, Meadow Brown, Ringlet, Dark Green Fritillary, Gatekeeper, Red Admiral, Small Tortoiseshell. Like other Gatekeepers I have seen this year, these ones were larger than normal.
The blue sky soon turned grey and the wind blew up, making photography difficult as the butterflies hunkered down in the shelter of grasses. The views were wonderful and I shall return when Sue can make the trip. We finished our visit with ice cream and a visit to Rob Rowe’s scenic photography exhibition at Finley’s Cafe – superb work.

On the way home we stopped at Worth Matravers near St Aldhelms Head, where Continental Swallowtails had been seen at  two days before. In view of the grey skies and wind we decided it was not worth searching for them. Our route back took us across the ferry by the millionaire’s peninsula at Sandbanks, Poole Harbour.
Lulworth Cove
Common Centaury, Centaurium erythraea

Moi by Indi Danahar
Golden Samphire, Inula crithmoides
Lady's Bedstraw, Galium verum

Moi by Dan Danahar
Dan and Indi

Dan and Indi

Dan and Indi
beach walk to the cliff path

Indi relaxing

Lulworth Skipper, Thymelicus acteon
female Lulworth Skipper, Thymelicus acteon

female Lulworth Skipper, Thymelicus acteon with Red Mite, Trombidium breei 

I often saw this view

male Lulworth Skipper, Thymelicus acteon
Meadow Brown, Maniola jurtina
id needed for this plant by the stream


1 comment:

  1. I've never seen that kind of insect on my country


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