Wednesday 30 July 2014

Butterflies soar at Mill Hill

Red Admiral, Vanessa atalanta
Yesterday morning I did my Mill Hill butterfly transect (28°C) and recorded the highest number this year - 351. Three species have more than doubled in numbers since last week: Meadow Brown, Chalkhill Blue and Common Blue. Results: Brimstone 1, Chalkhill Blue 64, Clouded Yellow 1, Common Blue 36, Dingy Skipper 1, Gatekeeper 46, Green-veined White 13, Marbled White 11, Meadow Brown 142, Peacock 3, Red Admiral 9, Small Heath 1, Small Skipper 2, Small Tortoiseshell, Wall 10, moths: Six-spot Burnet 1, Treble Bar 1. A black adder slithered into the undergrowth at the bottom of the hill.
The Clouded Yellow flew by at the top of the hill and again later at the bottom. Walls were all over the hill and flew up and attacked anything that came near them. A buddleia on the hill was covered in Peacocks, Small Tortoiseshells and Red Admirals.
Dingy Skipper, Erynnis tages
Green-veined White, Pieris napi
Green-veined White, Pieris napi
looking south
looking north
Treble-bar, Aplocera plagiata
male Wall, Lasiommata megera
female Wall, Lasiommata megera
This fresh looking female Wall was resting on the ground and did not move, even when I touched it - very strange.

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