Thursday 16 May 2013

Yellow Archangel, Violets and Pearls

Pearl-bordered Fritillary, Boloria euphrosyne
Canon G9 flash
Yesterday afternoon found seven Pearl –bordered Fritillaries at Rewell Wood. It was cloudy with a few specks of rain until 4:05pm, when blue skies arrived and at 4:30pm I started finding Pearls in different areas. I also saw a Mining bee, a Bee fly, a Marsh Tit  singing away, Yellow Archangel and my first two Speckled Yellow moths of the year.
Pearl-bordered Fritillary, Boloria euphrosyne
Canon G9 flash
Mining bee, Andrena species
Canon G9 flash
Bee fly, Bombylius major
Nikon D90, Sigma 180mm macro
Marsh Tit, Poecile palustris
Nikon D90, Sigma 180mm macro
Pearl-bordered Fritillary, Boloria euphrosyne
nectaring on Bugle, Bugle, Ajuga reptans
Nikon D90, Sigma 180mm macro
Nikon D90, Sigma 180mm macro
Nikon D90, Sigma 180mm macro
The final freshly minted specimen:
Nikon D90, Sigma 180mm macro

Wood Violet, Viola riviniana
Canon G9 flash
Yellow Archangel, Lamium galeobdolon
Canon G9 flash


  1. great photos - think that's a marsh tit, not a blackcap :)

  2. thanks for your excellent comment.


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