Saturday 30 April 2011

Butterflies galore at Mill Hill

Small Copper
A hectic few days started at Rewell Wood again on Thursday morning followed by my new PC arriving which took a few hours to get set up and I'm still not in full photo production as I'm researching new software that will work with my raw Nikon files and a Windows 7, 64 bit system. Any suggestions welcome!

Yesterday I visited Mill Hill with Steve and did my weekly transect. It turned into a fabulous morning with new season species for both of us. Transect numbers were: 2 Brimstone, 26 Dingy Skipper, 6 Green Hairstreak, 1 Grizzled Skipper, 2 Holly Blue, 3 Orange Tip, 2 Red Admiral, 3 Small Heath, 2 Adonis Blue, 1 Green-veined White, 3 Wall Brown. Numbers seen after the transect were considerably higher than this. Firsts for the season for me were  were pristine Walls, Adonis Blues on the Horseshoe Vetch and a  Small Copper which young Jamie showed us.  Green Hairstreaks constantly landed in front of us as we walked along the shrub line and pairs fought. A pair of Adonis Blue and a pair of Brimstones got into the spirit of the day and gave us a great display of togetherness. We also met Steve (2) and Paul on the Hill.

Afterwards we set Steve up with Blog and Flickr accounts so I am expecting to see some of his great photos online!
Holly Blue 
Adonis Blue 
Brimstones pairing (the male is yellow)
Wall butterfly


  1. 29 April 2011
    My first of a handful of male Adonis Blues were seen this year on the lower slopes of Mill Hill, together with my first of frequent Small Heaths, my first dainty Small
    Copper at the northern end of the lower slopes, my second Green Hairstreak of the year on Brambles in the same area, 27+ Dingy Skippers, two Grizzled Skippers
    and a notable record of Brimstone Butterflies mating. There were also occasional male Orange-tips, a Wall Brown, more Brimstones, frequent Green-veined Whites,
    occasional Large Whites, Speckled Woods and Holly Blues on Mill Hill.

    Adonis Blue
    Small Copper
    Brimstone Butterflies

    There were first flower appearances noted were Bird's Foot Trefoil on the (now) pastures of Mill Hill, NW of the upper car park, and Hounds-tongue on the lower slopes.
    A dozen Jackdaws fossicked over the yellow carpet of Bulbous Buttercups on the Old Erringham pasture. On the lower slopes the flowers of Horseshoe Vetch,

    Hippocrepis comosa, were abundant but at least a week (probably more) from showing like a carpet of yellow. The first very small green-coloured grasshoppers were
    hopping around amongst the herbs a especially at the southern end of the lower slopes where the Horseshoe Vetch was making a comeback after the Privet had been


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