Friday 15 April 2011

Adders at it again

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I did my weekly butterfly transect at 11:30, observing just 2 Peacocks, then searched for adders. It was cloudy until 3pm, but warmed up from 22.2degC to 31.2C. I found the black one, then a light brown one (the previous one was dark brown which brings the total to at least six at the bottom of the hill), then later a white one (light grey really). Mark from Essex joined me for some great adder watching. We watched the black one approach the brown one and the resulting courtship lasted over an hour. However we did not observe mating in spite of much wriggling together. The black male made juddering motions with its neck as if it was vomiting. It repeated this throughout the courtship process.
During the afternoon I saw Peacocks, male and female Orange Tips, my first Speckled Wood of the year, Grizzled Skippers and Dingy Skippers. Three buzzards  and a Red Kite circled overhead at one point.
Grizzled Skipper
Dingy Skipper

Bluebells are out 

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