Sunday 10 April 2011

Brighton Marathon, a rhino and a blackadder

Dingy Skipper
This morning was an early start to drive to Brighton to meet the SusSAR team at 7am. We were marshalling at the 2nd Brighton Marathon. We manned a pedestrian crossing which worked very well. We directed the marathon runners on alternate sides of the crossing to allow pedestrians to walk halfway across the other side of the crossing (if that makes sense!)and continued the process for over four hours.

Kenya’s Philemon Kiprop Boit, 1st at 14.5 miles and eventual winner 
Fourth placed Dan Robinson, first Brit home at 14.5 miles
Louise Jeffery running for
On the way back I called in at Mill Hill to see what the butterflies were up to. John was already there, followed by Chris. As there were quite a number of Dingy Skippers in flight including pairs in aerial combat, I called Neil. Richard, Dan and Cherie also arrived to make for a 'Flutter' of butterfly fanciers. A guy from Scotland completed the party and we were able to show him both Dingy and Grizzled Skippers. Neil reported that he had seen a pair of adders together the previous day, one a black adder. We came across the same pair plus another one.
Mill Hill 
Grizzled Skipper 

Black Adder

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