Saturday 15 January 2011

Steve has plenty of bottle

At our club meeting on Wednesday we were treated to a fascinating talk by Steve Homewood, an expert on bottles. He started in 2000 when he lived in Lewes and the river flooded. Bottles were flushed and dumped by the flood and Steve investigated and began his passion. He was based in Brighton for some time and has found and collected bottles from all over Sussex, including some unique and rare examples.
He now lives on the Isle of Bute, and commutes regularly to Brighton, so his finds now include Scottish bottles.
His site is

Steve’s books can be bought direct from Blurb. His latest book 'Bottle digging Adventures' should be available in April.

These are some of the bottles he showed us.

plate from a row boat

poor photo but interesting ointment! 
Cups of tea were handed to soldiers on a train passing through Selby station and were left at the next station to be returned.


  1. I have found a G&C MOORE ginger beer bottle with the stopper in it its seems full and has a pink lip at top of bottle .cant see any on some of the pages i have viewed could you give me any info on it please

    1. Sorry, I am not an expert in this field so cannot assist.


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