SOS Bird Race

On Monday I joined nine members of Sussex Ornithological
society in team Muppets, for their annual Charity Bird Race. We met at Pagham at 6:30am and set
off for Apuldram car park. The plan was to hear or see a Tawny Owl that frequents the area but it
eluded us so we went to Selsey Bill where Black-throated diver, Red-throated
diver and Great northern divers were seen. Selsey West beach gave nothing new.
Church Norton gave us the expected waders including Avocet plus Lapwing, Knot,
Golden Plover and both Godwits. Snowhill Marsh / East Head provided Stonechat,
Water Rail, Common Snipe and Mediterranean Gull. Fishbourne Creek gave Goldeneye
and Chichester Gravel Pits provided Pochard and Tufted duck. At Pagham Lagoon
Goldeneye was added. Pagham North wall had Reed Bunting, Yellowhammer,
Goldcrest and a Cetti’s Warbler was heard. A Grey Wagtail on the sluice was my
favourite and with light failing two members saw a Kingfisher which did not
count as three people have to verify a sighting. The score was 89 species, less
than anticipated as some species seen a few days before were absent, probably
due to the warmer weather sending them inland.

Curlew |
our final list |
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