Friday 3 June 2011

Small Heaths at Mill Hill

view from the top of Mill Hill - River Adur, Lancing College
This morning I did another transect at Mill Hill. Butterflies were few in species and numbers.  
I recorded 4 Adonis Blue, 2 Large Skippers, 3 Meadow Browns, 3 Red Admirals, 2 Small Blues, 17 Small Heaths, 1 Small Tortoiseshell. I also saw two partridges fly off together at the top of the hill. The Adonis Blues counts for six weeks are  2 -  112 - 182 - 69 - 14 - 4
Large Skipper
Common Mallow Malva sylvestris


  1. I have never seen a Small Blue on the lower slopes or the upper slopes yet. There is always a first time.


  2. This was on the lower slope. I think I saw one on the upper slope - NW corner, but couldn't be sure.


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