Thursday 23 June 2011

British Wildlife Photography Awards

Brown Hairstreak
A few days ago a fellow butterfly enthusiast and photographer, Leigh, advised me he had picked up his copy of the British Wildlife Photography Awards (collection 1) and saw my photo of a Brown Hairsteak. I did not realise one of my photos had made it into the book. I entered the competition last year and had two photos short-listed, but no prizes so thought nothing more about it. I immediately ordered the book from Amazon, opened it and was amazed to find my photo featured opposite the index. Obviously I am mightily pleased so wish to share the experience!
Pearl-bordered Fritillary
This is the other short-listed photo. Unfortunately I missed the deadline for entering this year, but will get back on track next time. My butterfly photography equipment and techniques have changed since these photos were taken two years ago so I am interested to see what I can do next time.
This 224 page coffee table sized book has wonderful photos of British Wildlife. It is a quality publication in  27x27cm format which you can order direct from Amazon: 

1 comment:

  1. Good work Colin! When does the competition run from btw? May try entering myself next year! Cheers


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