Saturday 18 June 2011

Purple Hairstreak at Southwater

Purple Hairstreak
I ignored the showers and headed for Southwater Woods this morning. A Silver-washed Fritillary greeted me, followed by a White Admiral. Alternating periods of sun and rain had me taking shelter and seeking a female SWF. This was finally accomplished on the main path and then Neil joined me. We lost the female but then I spotted a Purple Hairstreak, my first of the year. It landed high up in a tree. The usual Meadow Browns were everywhere plus a Large Skipper and a Speckled Wood.
On the way back I called in at Cissbury Ring and found the Marbled White on the south ditch near the trees.
Blackcap, Sylvia atricapilla
White Admiral
Meadow Brown

male Silver-washed Fritillaries

female Silver-washed Fritillary
Self heal Prunella vulgaris

raindrops keep falling
Meadow Brown
Large Skipper

Marbled White
Marbled White

view east from Cissbury Ring

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous photos, I love the white one! Caroline


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