Monday 5 April 2010

Warnham, celandine, coots and newts

Catkin of Sallow / Pussy Willow / Goat Willow

A beautiful bank holiday today found us at Warnhan Nature Reserve, our first visit this year. Spring colours are evident on the trees as buds sprout and the woodland hide now has a roof and walls and more seating.
Swans and coots were observed on the lake and dipping ponds. 
We found a lovely yellow Lesser Celandine by the woodland path and were interested to see the rows of trees growing from fallen logs by the lake. 
A magnificent patch of marsh marigolds brightened up the view from the footbridge by the dipping ponds where willow catkins are bursting forth.. 
We had soup for lunch in the garden, tasty as usual, then spent some time by the pond watching the newts. While we were there we were fortunate to see a great fly past by a male Brimstone butterfly, the first of 2010.


  1. Beautiful pix - spring is here!

  2. Great pics. Our marsh marigolds aren't out yet, but daffs in full bloom. Everything's a good month behind itself hereabouts.


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