Friday 24 May 2019

Black and Brown Hairstreak larvae at Ditchling Common

Brown Hairstreak larva, Thecla betulae
Yesterday I visited Ditchling Common to attempt to find Hairstreak larvae and pupae. I found a Brown Hairstreak larva (8mm) on blackthorn, munching on the new growth at the tip of a branch. It started moving down the branch and when I returned later it was nowhere to be seen. I met Ben Greenaway on a similar hunt and he showed me a Black Hairstreak larva he had previously found. David Cook directed us to the Black Hairstreak pupa he had located on a branch and then Ben found another on a nearby leaf. There were numerous moth larvae on the blackthorn and oaks and I have six which I cannot as yet identify. I also spotted a Plum Tortrix moth (Hedya pruniana) and a Mottled Umber larva (Erannis defoliaria). In the nettles by the car park were numerous Red and black Froghoppers.
Black Hairstreak larva, Satyrium pruni
prepupal stage with damage

Black Hairstreak larva

Black Hairstreak pupa on branch, Satyrium pruni

Black Hairstreak pupa on leaf

Brown Hairstreak larva, Thecla betulae, 8mm

Cucumber Green Spider, Araniella species

False Oil Beetle female, Oedemera nobilis

unidentified moth larva on blackthorn

unidentified moth larva on blackthorn

unidentified moth larva on blackthorn

unidentified moth larva on blackthorn

unidentified moth larva on oak leaf

unidentified moth larva on blackthorn

unidentified moth larva on blackthorn

unidentified moth pupa? on blackthorn

Mottled Umber larva, Erannis defoliaria on blackthorn

Mottled Umber larva

Plum Tortrix, Hedya pruniana

Red-and-black Froghoppers, Cercopis vulnerata

Soldier beetle, Malthodes species

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