Angle Shades, Phlogophora meticulosa |
On Thursday I checked out several Long-tailed Blue sites with no success, including Southwick canal. Just after I arrived at Whitehawk Hill Neil phoned to say he had found one at Southwick at the same place I had checked an hour before!
On Friday I met Mark at Arundel WWT for lunch and a wander round the hides and we spotted 4 Snipe and a Coal Tit.
On Sunday Mark found a male Long-tailed Blue at Whitehawk Hill, Brighton. Many other enthusiasts enjoyed seeing this rare UK sighting. It finally flew off when it warmed up. Later Katrina spotted it on the path and more photos were taken before it flew into the allotments. On the way to the site I checked the Lancing station site where Nick from Petersfield spotted an Angle Shades moth. It was still there when I returned in the afternoon and I found two more within a couple of metres of each other. On Monday morning there were still two left. I returned to Brighton and saw several Red Admirals and a Silver Y but no TLBs.
Widewater Wednesday:
Mute Swan cygnets raised at Widewater |
Southwick canal:
Garden Spider, Araneus diadematus |
Honeysuckle, Lonicera caprifolium |
Arundel WWT:
3 Common Snipe, Gallinago gallinago |
Coal Tit, Periparus ater |
Common Snipe, Gallinago gallinago |
Shaggy Inkcap, Coprinus comatus |
Angle Shades, Phlogophora meticulosa |
Angle Shades, early morning |
Whitehawk Hill, Sunday:
Comma, Polygonia c-album |
Common Vetch, Vicia sativa |
Light Brown Apple Moth, Epiphyas postvittana on privet |
Light Brown Apple Moth |
Long-tailed Blue, Lampides boeticus |
Long-tailed Blue |
Long-tailed Blue on path |
observing the LTB on the path |
it flew away and everyone is trying to track it! |
Spiked Shieldbug, Picromerus bidens |
Lancing, Monday:
Whitehawk Hill, Monday:
Autumn Bramble leaf, Rubus fruticosus |
Dandelion, Taraxacum officinale |
Dark Bush Cricket ♀, Pholidoptera griseoaptera |
Red Valerian, Centranthus ruber |
Silver Y, Autographa gamma |
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