Monday 1 July 2013

Clouded Yellow and Black Hairstreaks

Yellow-tail moth larva, Euproctis similis
On Thursday I did my Mill Hill transect and found that Adonis have decreased considerably compared to last week. I met Andy Horton doing his count and we were chatting when a Clouded Yellow which landed right in front of us, no photo though. Results: Adonis Blue 38, Clouded Yellow 1, Small Heath 22, Small Tortoiseshell 1, Small White 1. I also found a micro moth, Cochylimorpha straminea.
On Friday I attempted to see the Black Hairstreaks that Mark Colvin had seen and photographed so well the previous day at Bernwood Meadows near Oxford. I saw two Hairsteaks for two seconds fighting and being blown out of the meadow by the wind. In this beautiful nature reserve I found several moths: two Blood-veins, a Yellow-tail caterpillar on Sallow and a Plum Tortrix. I also saw my first Meadow Browns of the year and a Kite soared overhead.
Cochylimorpha straminea at Mill Hill
Bernwood Meadows:

Blood-vein, Timandra comae
Dandelion, Taraxacum officinale
Meadow Brown, Maniola jurtina
Plum Tortrix, Hedya pruniana
Red Kite, Milvus milvus
Wild Rose, Rosa acicularis
Yellow Rattle, Rhinanthus minor
Yellow Shell, Camptogramma bilineata
Yellow-tail moth larva, Euproctis similis
Yellow-tail moth larva, Euproctis similis

1 comment:

  1. Hi Colin, glad you saw them albeit only briefly; sounds a bit like my Large Blue trip! Think will try this site next year. Cheers, Leigh


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