Monday 22 April 2013

Grasshopper Warbler

Grasshopper Warbler, Locustella naevia
I read on the Sussex Ornithological Site about a Grasshopper Warbler which was showing at Waltham Brooks so that is where I headed this morning. I was fortunate to meet a birder who advised me exactly where to find it. As soon as I crossed the railway in the Sussex Wildlife Trust reserve I heard the strident grasshopper song of the warbler, and saw its greenish-yellow body calling loudly from the top of the brambles. I returned later in the afternoon and found it performing in the same place. There were many swallows wheeling around the sewage treatment plant.
Grasshopper Warbler, Locustella naevia
song of the Grasshopper Warbler


  1. I would not have recognised it

  2. Thanks Colin - I always enjoy reading your blog. I particularly enjoyed this item - fantastic photos and sound effects too!!

    Best wishes,


  3. I appreciate your comment Paul, this was a special experience.


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