Friday 19 April 2013

Peregrines and Gloss on the Ibis

Dougal left us yesterday morning and after lunch I visited Warningcamp again, hoping for a better view of the Glossy Ibis. It was by the western fence and an Oystercatcher was feeding in the field. I then headed to Arundel WWT. In the car park a few people were looking up at the hill where a Peregrine Falcon was wheeling around. A birder told me there was another perched on a branch. At the feeders I saw the Great Spotted Woodpecker, a Nuthatch and  the Blackcap. I only saw one Mediterranean Gull. When I left the sun was out so I returned to Warningcamp and found the Glossy Ibis nearer the road. I managed to catch the colour of its green and bronze feathers.
Glossy Ibis, Plegadis falcinellus
Oystercatcher, Haematopus ostralegus
Peregrine Falcon, Falco peregrinus
Peregrine Falcon, Falco peregrinus
Common Pochard, Aythya Ferina
Blackcap, Sylvia atricapilla
Great Spotted Woodpecker, Dendrocopos major
Nuthatch, Sitta europaea
Mallard, Anas platyrhynchos
Mallard duckling, Anas platyrhynchos
Mallards, Anas platyrhynchos
Oystercatcher, Haematopus ostralegus
Black-headed Gulls, Chroicocephalus ridibundus
Mallards, Anas platyrhynchos
Robin, Erithacus rubecula
Rook, Corvus frugilegus
Glossy Ibis, Plegadis falcinellus

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