Wednesday 7 December 2011

Cold wind at Heyshott

John Murray fueling the fire
This morning I attended another work party at Heyshott organised by the Murray Downland Trust. We completed clearing the area which had been started five weeks ago, a total of three acres. A couple of mice scampered away from my rake and dived into the leaf litter. A cold wind fanned the fire well and gave us a superb burn. 
I hope the Primulas appreciate three acres of downland reclaimed from the woods and make an appearance soon. We can then expect the endangered Dukes of Burgundy to flow down from the high ground. 
yesterday's sunrise
 Someone has put this amazing wind vane next to the path to the work area.
the workers packing up below the cleared area
the rest of today's  area
previously cleared area
view on the way down
amazing fungi

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