Sunday 31 October 2010

Peacehaven Fossils

On Saturday morning I attended a fossil hunting event on the Peacehaven beach, below the cliffs. It was run by Roy Shepherd of Discovering Fossils and he showed us the types of fossils found in the chalk layers along the Sussex coast. We then had a go at finding our own specimens. Mine were basic shells of bivalve molluscs, but one kid found an amazing sea urchin and another found a superb sponge. I plan to attend the next one at Beachy Head where the best fossils are found.
Peacehaven has perhaps the largest Ammonites in the country

Fossil sponge

This ammonite was 4/5 feet across


  1. Looks like a very cool place to visit. Your next trip should be a lot of fun. Grew up in a place with a lot of fossils.

  2. Pics all look somehow familiar. I must have been there at some time. B.


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