Friday 10 June 2022

Ditchling Common Black Hairstreak and moths

Black Hairstreak, Satyrium pruni

Yesterday I visited Ditchling Common and met other butterfly enthusiasts waiting for the Black Hairstreaks to appear. I was lucky, Trevor spotted a pristine one which had come down to roost on bracken and everyone got their shots. I found 8 species of moths and a new leaf beetle - Donacia semicuprea on a reed, plus other invertebrates.

 Afterwards I headed to Cuckmere River for a Sussex Search  & Rescue training evening and my deployment gave my team a wonderful view of the Cuckmere Valley.

Black Slug, Arion ater agg.

Brown Silver-line, Petrophora chlorosata

Clouded Border, Lomaspilis marginata

Cocksfoot Moth, Glyphipterix simpliciella

Coleophora species

Common Marble, Celypha lacunana

Common Nettle-tap, Anthophila fabriciana

Ditchling Common

Ditchling Common

Green Oak Tortrix, Tortrix viridana 

Green Oak Tortrix on oak trunk

leaf beetle, Donacia semicuprea

Speckled Wood, Pararge aegeria


White-legged Damselfly male, Platycnemis pennipes

Yellow-barred Longhorn, Nemophora degeerella 

Yellow-barred Longhorn

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