Friday 13 October 2017

Edward I penny and some artefacts

Edward I penny, mint Bury St Edmunds obverse
At our club dig last Sunday I was fortunate to find a hammered coin, my second this year. It is an Edward I penny, minted at Bury St Edmunds.
obverse probably reads: EDWAR ANGL DNS HYB meaning Edward King of England Lord of Ireland
before cleaning
reverse reads: VILL SCI EDMVNDI meaning Town of Bury St Edmunds
Edward I reigned 1239 – 1307 and was also known as Edward Longshanks due to his exceptional height.
Edward I penny, mint Bury St Edmunds reverse

after cleaning
other recent unidentified finds:
large copper alloy
34g, outer diameter 31mm, inner diam 26mm
3 holes through ring

small copper alloy 'cup'
19mm long, 0.86g, 
die stamp?
bunch of grapes at end?
lead? 55g

Anchor Basic Slag
old top-dressing tag

I found this old advert from a New Zealand newspaper

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