Friday 1 January 2016

Fungi and Heads in Sheffield

We have spent the holiday period in Sheffield with Sue's sister Danuta and husband Ken. This has been an annual occasion for some years and I enjoy exploring the natural history of the area. Unfortunately this has been curtailed somewhat by Sue's accident when she tripped and fell in the house, causing severe injury to her left shoulder on the evening of 23rd. The medical services have been exemplary - Ambulance personnel and Northern General staff. Sue had a partial shoulder replacement on Tuesday and has been discharged today, with 6 weeks in a sling to look forward to!
  I found fungi in the garden and Endcliffe Park before the calamity.
The sculpture above is one of a series of three created by Sue's father, Jan Kot. When he retired as Sheffield City Architect in the 1970s he took up painting and sculpture. Jan had exhibitions locally and we have a good number of his paintings in our home. The Heads were carved in logs and then cast in aluminium in the 1980s.
Endcliffe Vale Road, December 23 am:
Coral fungus, Ramariopsis species
Hairy Curtain Crust, Stereum hirsutum
Hairy Curtain Crust
Hairy Curtain Crust
wreck of the Hallam Towers
Horse Mushroom, Agaricus Impudicus
Horse Mushrooms
Horse Mushroom
Horse Mushrooms
Horse Mushroom
Horse Mushroom
Irish Yellow Slugs, Limacus maculatus
Head 2 by Jan Kot
Lumpy Bracket, Trametes gibbosa
Norway spruce cone, Picea abies
Snowberry, Symphoricarpos albus
Sulphur Tufts, Hypholoma fasciculare
Sulphur Tuft
Sulphur Tufts
Sulphur Tufts
Turkeytail, Trametes versicolor
Ollie and Turkeytail by Danuta Reah
one from the archives - a magnificent Turkeytail on the lawn a few years ago. There would have been decaying wood under the fungus.
White Brain, Exidia thuretiana
White Brain
White Brain
white waxcap Hygrocybe species
Endcliffe Park December 23 pm:
Acer species leaf
Common Woodlouse, Oniscus asellus and Tree Slug, Limax marginatus
Green Elfcup, Chlorociboria aeruginascens agg.
Grey Squirrel, Sciurus carolinensis
Grey Squirrel
Hairy Curtain Crust, Stereum hirsutum
Hairy Curtain Crust
Hairy Curtain Crust
Hairy Curtain Crust
Lumpy Bracket, Trametes gibbosa
Purple Jellydisc asexual form (anamorph), Ascocoryne sarcoides
Turkeytail, Trametes versicolor

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